This website is part of the Stereo Anime network.
This network is made and managed only by me.
If you are interested of funding it or be part of, just contact me at the email:

The Stereo Anime network is composed by:
- This website: For anime, manga, videogames, news, reviews, etc.
- A Facebook page: An extension of this website
- A Youtube channel: An extension of this website
- A Twitter account: An extension of this website
- A Twitch account: An extension of this website
- A Deviant account: To share this website's and fan's arts
- An Online Radio: To play anime related music, host shows, interviews, etc.
- A soundcloud account: To share podcasts
- An Ivoox account: Similar to the soundcloud account (currectly it hosts the interviews) 
Everything is in spanish but I can post on english too.
One goal is to have presence on the spanish speaking anime, manga, videogames market
showing the values and passion that made this network possible.

1 comentario:

Imágenes del día // Today's images

Historial de música // Music log